Fabric of Society: Me, You, and Us
Want to share your experience or feelings about the Community Project? Please use social media hashtag #meyouandusproject
Fabric of Society is the title of my first community based project and was also show title of a solo exhibit at The Gadsden Museum of Art May 15th to JUne 21st, 2019
It is my hope was that the show, works, and community based project included would encourage people to look at how they think of and approach ideas they have difficulty relating to and understanding. It is easy to make a villain out of someone we don’t know, whose social or political views differ from our own. In the current national and world climate of polar opposites, I hoped we could start conversations and communicate to understand each other and bridge some of those gaps.
The Community Project: Me, You, and Us
Part of the show included a work I asked for outside participation in. I asked people to send me a 10'' x 10" (25.5cm x 25.5cm) piece of fabric that captures who they are, along with up to five words describing themselves. I then embroidered the words onto cloth, and sewed all the fabric squares together to make a larger piece. This work followed the tradition of community quilt building. I am continuing this project and looking for places to show the piece. For more specific details in participating, and where to send your fabric and words, please read below. Please click on the Participate! button below for Frequently Asked Questions and where to send your fabric and words.